Deep Borehole Demonstration Center Announced with Launch Executive Director Ted Garrish

Berkeley, Calif. — A new Deep Borehole Demonstration Center will be publicly launched Feb. 27 at the Waste Management Symposia in Phoenix, Ariz. It was founded as a new nonprofit organization and is open to participation from governments, utilities, nuclear operators and research organizations interested in studying nuclear waste disposal technologies for worldwide deployment.

Deep Borehole Demonstration Center

The nonprofit’s Board of Directors includes Deep Isolation and inaugural members from the National Radiation Protection Institute in the Czech Republic, U.S.-based utility Southern Company and Deep Isolation’s CEO. The Board has appointed Ted Garrish, former Assistant Secretary for International Affairs at the U.S. Department of Energy, to serve as Launch Executive Director.

“This is the beginning of being able to offer countries a new option: a deep borehole repository,” Garrish said. “This gives countries an alternative, and in some cases, boreholes could also work alongside mined repositories for particular waste streams, such as from advanced reactors. The Deep Borehole Demonstration Center will allow multinational and cross-organizational collaborations to begin the work of characterizing the entire system. This is how we get to the next stage.”

The impetus for the Center was an international survey of waste management organization stakeholders published by Deep Isolation and the University of Sheffield in March 2022. Four-out-of-five stakeholders surveyed for the report said they want more international collaboration to advance deep borehole disposal and agreed overwhelmingly that the key next step is a demonstration of the end-to-end technology.

“Our customers and prospective customers have been asking for something exactly like this — a facility designed to advance the development of the deep borehole repository concept so they can feel confident that, as they commission new nuclear power plants to meet net zero goals, they will be able to simultaneously plan for a flexible, affordable waste disposal solution,” said Deep Isolation CEO Liz Muller, chair of the Center’s board.

Using a membership-funded model, the Center will draw on international participation to demonstrate the viability of deep borehole technology and to develop improved guidance and international consensus around how regulators can best assess the safety case for deep borehole disposal.

The Center’s mission is to advance the maturity of the safety case for deep borehole disposal and the technical readiness levels of the disposal concept, including characterization, construction, canister handling, emplacement and retrieval.

The Center’s board also includes Jitka Mikšová, Head of the RWM Division at the National Radiation Protection Institute (SÚRO), Czech Republic, and Dr. Richard Esposito, R&D Program Manager for Geosciences & Carbon Management at Southern Company. The Board is also establishing an independent science-driven Advisory Committee to assist in ensuring transparency and scrutiny of the Center’s work.

Dr. Esposito of Southern Company said: “Deep borehole disposal brings an important new option to the table for geologic disposal of nuclear waste. We look forward to working with public and private sector partners worldwide to both evaluate and demonstrate the viability of the technology through the new Deep Borehole Demonstration Center.”

Mikšová of SÚRO said deep borehole disposal is especially of interest to countries with small waste inventories where a conventional mined geological repository is not economically efficient.

“The Center foundation is creating the right platform for the necessary demonstration of the feasibility of this disposal option, and one through which international teams can contribute to improving the borehole disposal technology with respect to the environment and further adapting it to country-specific conditions and building public confidence,” she said. “On behalf of the Czech partners I am representing, we are looking forward to engaging in the Deep Borehole Demonstration Center work.”

Further details of the government and industry organizations that are backing this work will be announced at Waste Management 2023. In the meantime, interested parties who would like to become members are welcome to contact the Center’s Launch Executive Director.

Garrish said, “The Center is ultimately about answering the age-old question, ‘What about the waste?’ which is inevitably posed by governments considering the merits of nuclear power. This is the question that we’ve got to answer. And that is what the Center was created to do.”


About the Deep Borehole Demonstration Center
The nonprofit Deep Borehole Demonstration Center was established to provide interested entities and governments worldwide with an independent organization through which to commission projects that characterize and advance the technical readiness of deep borehole nuclear waste disposal technologies.

Press Contact

Kari Hulac

By Kari Hulac

In 2022 the world saw a notable uptick in the number of countries pursuing clean nuclear energy to fight climate change and secure energy independence. In turn, more governments and next generation nuclear developers are thinking about the back end of the fuel cycle while evaluating deployment of reactors.

Among the more than a dozen contracts Deep Isolation has across three continents, our advanced reactor and small modular reactor waste disposal work includes:

*Participation in four U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy (ARPA-E) grant projects with three led by partner organizations. Deep Isolation’s scope will be to examine various aspects of how deep borehole repositories for nuclear waste can help close the nuclear fuel cycle through disposal of spent fuel and reprocessing waste streams. The total grant funding for these projects is $15.3 million, representing a significant investment from the U.S. government in support of an integrated waste management approach.

*A second contract with Fermi Energia, an energy company working on the development and deployment of small module reactors (SMRs) in Estonia. This work will build on Deep Isolation’s earlier work with Fermi Energia, a project that concluded that most of the country’s geology would be acceptable for deep borehole disposal.  This new project will research the cost effectiveness of using boreholes to dispose of waste from an SMR that would be deployed in Estonia by 2050.

Deep Isolation Head of Engineering Jesse Sloane, who is overseeing the company’s DOE grant work, funded under the ARPA-E umbrella, explains this synergy between advanced nuclear reactors and deep borehole repositories.

ARPA-E logo, Advanced Research Projects Agency – Energy
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Research Projects Agency — Energy helps fund R&D for nuclear energy and nuclear waste disposal projects such as deep boreholes repositories.

Q. We are clearly seeing more interest from the next generation nuclear reactor community in deep boreholes over the past year. What is the primary driver of this heightened consideration?

A. There are many factors contributing to the advancement of deep borehole disposal, and I think it is hard to narrow it down to only one. We are certainly seeing worldwide drivers such as the geopolitical environment and climate change concerns play key roles in the desire to find near-term solutions to the nuclear waste problem in support of carbon-neutral nuclear energy.

In the European Union, there are changes in taxonomy regulations to support investment in sustainable advanced nuclear technologies, and in the case of climate change mitigation, these are coupled with requirements to have plans for an operational disposal facility for high-level waste by 2050.  From a technical perspective, I think deep borehole disposal repository facilities are uniquely poised to be designed, licensed, constructed, and operational within that timeframe.  Borehole repositories require far less construction time than the traditional mined repositories, given they are smaller in scale, can be modular in design, and do not require workers to be underground.

In the United States, utilities that deploy advanced reactors will be required to fund the storage of the spent fuel for up to 20 years after it has been removed from the reactor.  This is a significant policy change from what is required for the existing fleet of reactors — for which the DOE is responsible for providing waste disposal services as of 1998 and is currently paying the utilities for spent fuel storage costs. Therefore, the industry seems keen to see progress in the form of innovative waste disposal technologies, including deep borehole disposal.

Q.  Of the four DOE projects, Deep Isolation is the lead on one, a $3.6 million grant in partnership with the University of California, Berkeley, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and NAC International, to develop a universal canister system for advanced reactor waste streams. What are some key aspects of this project, and how does it fit into the broader picture of how deep boreholes can support advanced reactor deployments?

A. This project is funded through ARPA-E’s Optimizing Nuclear Waste and Advanced Reactor Disposal Systems (ONWARDS) program, and it specifically addresses consideration of deep borehole disposal as an alternative disposal pathway for advanced reactor waste.

There are four key parts for this project: 1.) The project team will research various advanced reactor waste forms through literature reviews, experimentation, and collaboration with other ARPA-E projects.  2.) These waste forms will be analyzed through repository performance assessments in a variety of geologic disposal configurations, including mined and borehole repositories.  3.) We will design and analyze a disposal canister that will be compatible with these waste forms and will be appropriately sized for disposal in a borehole or mined repository.  The design efforts will culminate with the fabrication of a prototype canister.  4.) We will develop generic waste acceptance criteria for waste forms to be packaged in the new canister, with differing criteria for disposal in both mined and borehole repository configurations. 

The project will provide a pathway for disposal of multiple waste forms for advanced reactor designs that have not yet been built or licensed so that a disposal pathway is identified prior to the reactors even coming online.  Future analyses can confirm if additional waste forms will be acceptable for disposal within the canister, which will allow these reactor designs to mature and progress while simultaneously planning for eventual disposal of the spent fuel.

Q. You are Deep Isolation’s Project Lead on a team that was recently selected to receive $4.9 million from the DOE ARPA-E CURIE program. The project, led by Argonne National Laboratory, is to develop and demonstrate oxide reduction technology for pyrochemical recycling of light water reactor used nuclear fuel. Deep Isolation will develop an integrated oxide reduction waste disposal plan, while simultaneously determining ideal waste acceptance parameters. Please explain the significance of this project.

A. ARPA-E’s CURIE program aims to significantly reduce the volume of light water reactor spent nuclear fuel requiring disposal by advancing various reprocessing technologies for ultimate commercial applicability.  We are partnering with Argonne National Laboratory, advanced reactor developer Oklo Inc., and Case Western Reserve University to advance oxide reduction reprocessing technology to maximize recovery of fissionable material from the existing inventory of spent nuclear fuel.  Reprocessing, whether through oxide reduction or some other means, will always result in waste forms that must be safely isolated and disposed of deep underground to protect the public from the harmful radiation emanating from those waste products.  This isolation is necessary because the waste, similar to spent nuclear fuel, contains isotopes with long half-lives (hundreds to thousands of years) that emit harmful radiation.

Deep Isolation will develop a disposal plan for the oxide reduction process waste streams. It is worth mentioning that the CURIE program has some ambitious target metrics, including a goal to maintain disposal costs in the range of 0.1¢/kWh. To reduce disposal costs, Deep Isolation will also perform an economic analysis to determine an ideal range of acceptance parameters for those waste streams. This will ensure that reprocessing technology is not only safe but economical and able to support the needs of the coming fleet of advanced reactors.

Q. In addition to the Argonne project you just discussed, describe Deep Isolation’s two other ARPA-E projects: An ONWARDS project with Oklo, Argonne National Lab and Idaho National Laboratory and a second CURIE project led by EPRI.

A. The ONWARDS project led by Oklo will develop a first-of-a-kind nuclear fuel recycling facility.  The project will advance the technical and commercial capabilities of an electrorefining facility to be deployed in support of metal-fueled advanced reactors.  Deep Isolation’s scope for the project will analyze the pyroprocessing waste streams to determine if they are suitable for deep borehole disposal.  We will also develop an integrated waste disposal plan for the project’s waste streams.

We are also fortunate to be part of another CURIE project, led by EPRI. This project, which includes an advanced reactor company, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Southern Company, and Dominion Engineering, will develop a complete advanced reactor fuel cycle enterprise. The project will consider the use of light water reactor spent nuclear fuel as feedstock, explore optimization of various recycling processes, and will integrate with Deep Isolation’s innovative approach to efficient waste management through deep borehole disposal.

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LONDON – Deep Isolation announced today it is part of a grant project awarded to EPRI, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and Southern Company Research and Development. The $2.8 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is for a joint nuclear research and development project focused on nuclear fuel management options to help power advanced nuclear energy systems, which could play an important role in meeting national decarbonization goals.

EPRI will lead the team receiving funding from DOE’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). Specifically, the two-year project aims to expand the available options of nuclear fuel management by creating a tool for optimizing the integration of processes for recovery of uranium from used nuclear fuel and performing an at-scale scoping study for market readiness of some of these techniques.

Each of the participating organizations brings their unique specific technical perspective to the project. EPRI is providing project management and expertise in advanced reactor development, ORNL is providing technical expertise in nuclear fuel cycles and system modeling for developing the tool, Southern Company is providing real-world data and their experience in shepherding new technology from the laboratory to full-scale commercial deployment, and Deep Isolation is providing technical expertise in the disposal of used fuel in deep borehole repositories approximately a mile underground.

“Recovering uranium from used nuclear fuel so that it can be used in the next generation of reactors helps to ensure the success of carbon-free generation,” said Neil Wilmshurst, EPRI senior vice president of Energy System Resources and Chief Nuclear Officer. “That next generation of carbon-free generation could help the nation achieve its decarbonization goals. EPRI is proud to be conducting research with this team in this area.”

The joint endeavor aligns closely with ORNL’s capabilities, said Andy Worrall, section head of Integrated Fuel Cycle research at the laboratory. “This project is at the heart of two of our focus areas at ORNL — advancing the next generation of nuclear technology to meet the nation’s energy needs and climate goals while reducing the demand on waste generation storage and ultimate disposal.”

“We are launching our fourth contract in the EU, with an advanced reactor developer in Estonia, so it’s affirming to see that the U.S. government is devoting resources to advanced reactor R&D that integrates borehole repositories as a spent fuel solution,” said Chris Parker, Global Head of Business Development and Managing Director, Deep Isolation EMEA Ltd.

The EPRI project brings Deep Isolation’s DOE grant projects this year to four. The previously awarded projects include: a $3.6 million grant to develop a universal disposal canister for advanced reactor applications; a $4 million grant with advanced reactor developer Oklo, Inc. and other partners to develop the first nuclear fuel recycling and disposal facility in the United States; and a $4.9 million award to work with Argonne National Laboratory to develop an integrated used fuel disposal plan using cost-effective deep borehole repository technology for oxide reduction applications. After just four years as a public-facing company, Deep Isolation’s milestones include: contracts with a dozen countries across three continents, 18 patents and 90 notices of invention.


About Deep Isolation

Deep Isolation is a leading global innovator in nuclear waste storage and disposal solutions. Driven by a passion for environmental stewardship and scientific ingenuity, the company’s patented solution of advanced nuclear technologies enables global delivery through its partnerships with industry leaders as well as flexible IP licensing options.

About EPRI

Founded in 1972, EPRI is the world’s preeminent independent, non-profit energy research and development organization, with offices around the world. EPRI’s trusted experts collaborate with more than 450 companies in 45 countries, driving innovation to ensure the public has clean, safe, reliable, affordable, and equitable access to electricity across the globe. Together, we are shaping the future of energy.

About ORNL

Oak Ridge National Laboratory delivers scientific discoveries and technical breakthroughs to accelerate the development and deployment of solutions in clean energy and global security, and in doing so create economic opportunity for the nation. ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for DOE’s Office of Science.

Press Contacts

Kari Hulac — Deep Isolation

Deep Isolation, Inc.
2001 Addison St, Ste. 300
Berkeley, CA 94704

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Nuclear Engineering International, November 3, 2022

Deep thought on disposal

Successfully creating a deep geological disposal site for high-level waste has long been a key challenge for the nuclear industry. Now, a series of breakthroughs seems to show light at the end of the tunnel.

PALO ALTO, Calif. (Nov. 17, 2022) – – EPRI, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Southern Company Research and Development, and Deep Isolation announced today they have been awarded $2.8 million from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) for a joint nuclear research and development project. The project is focused on nuclear fuel management options to help power advanced nuclear energy systems, which could play an important role in meeting national decarbonization goals.

EPRI will lead the team receiving funding from DOE’s Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). Specifically, the two-year project aims to expand the available options of nuclear fuel management by creating a tool for optimizing the integration of processes for recovery of uranium from used nuclear fuel and performing an at-scale scoping study for market readiness of some of these techniques.

Each of the participating organizations brings their unique specific technical perspective to the project. EPRI is providing project management and expertise in advanced reactor development, ORNL is providing technical expertise in nuclear fuel cycles and system modeling for developing the tool, Southern Company is providing real-world data and their experience in shepherding new technology from the laboratory to full-scale commercial deployment, and Deep Isolation is providing technical expertise in the disposal of used fuel in deep borehole repositories approximately a mile underground.

“Recovering uranium from used nuclear fuel so that it can be used in the next generation of reactors helps to ensure the success of carbon-free generation,” said Neil Wilmshurst, EPRI senior vice president  of Energy System Resources and Chief Nuclear Officer. “That next generation of carbon-free generation could help the nation achieve its decarbonization goals. EPRI is proud to be conducting research with this team in this area.”

The joint endeavor aligns closely with ORNL’s capabilities, said Andy Worrall, section head of Integrated Fuel Cycle research at the laboratory. “This project is at the heart of two of our focus areas at ORNL — advancing the next generation of nuclear technology to meet the nation’s energy needs and climate goals while reducing the demand on waste generation storage and ultimate disposal.”

“We appreciate this opportunity to demonstrate how our technology can contribute to a variety of innovative efforts to increase the efficiency and sustainability of nuclear power in the marketplace,” said Deep Isolation Chief Operating Officer Rod Baltzer.

Laura Thompson
Communications Manager


About EPRI
Founded in 1972, EPRI is the world’s preeminent independent, non-profit energy research and development organization, with offices around the world. EPRI’s trusted experts collaborate with more than 450 companies in 45 countries, driving innovation to ensure the public has clean, safe, reliable, affordable, and equitable access to electricity across the globe. Together, we are shaping the future of energy.

About ORNL

Oak Ridge National Laboratory delivers scientific discoveries and technical breakthroughs to accelerate the development and deployment of solutions in clean energy and global security, and in doing so create economic opportunity for the nation. ORNL is managed by UT-Battelle for DOE’s Office of Science.

About Deep Isolation

Deep Isolation is a leading global innovator in nuclear waste storage and disposal solutions. Driven by a passion for environmental stewardship and scientific ingenuity, the company’s patented solution of advanced nuclear technologies enables global delivery through its partnerships with industry leaders as well as flexible IP licensing options.

Chris Parker, Jesse Sloane, Mark Frei, from Deep Isolation and Steve Sisley from NAC describe the recent advances in canister engineering designs for storage, transportation and disposal of spent fuel assemblies from pressurized water reactors in the International Journal for Nuclear Power, beginning on page 39.

Oklo Inc. has been awarded a $6.1 million cost-share project in partnership with Argonne National Laboratory (Argonne), Deep Isolation, and Case Western Reserve University from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E). The project is funded under the ARPA-E Converting Used Nuclear Fuel Radioisotopes into Energy (CURIE) program. The CURIE program was recently launched to fuel the commercialization of advanced fission technology while reducing waste.

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