What are the maximum diameter and length of a disposal canister compatible with the horizontal borehole?

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What are the maximum diameter and length of a disposal canister compatible with the horizontal borehole?

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We have not specifically identified the maximum diameter of the disposal canister. The length of a disposal canister should not be a limiting factor as drilling companies typically handle pipes that are 90 feet (27 m). A canister holding a PWR fuel assembly has an outer diameter of approximately 13 inches (33 cm) and a length of about 18 feet (5.5 m), which includes end caps and a latching mechanism for emplacement and potential retrieval of the canister. Most other waste forms (e.g., fuel assemblies from Boiling Water Reactors, cesium (Cs) and strontium (Sr) capsules, etc.) would fit into smaller canisters and more narrow boreholes. Larger waste forms, such as vitrified high-level waste canisters, may require a larger borehole up to 24 inches (60 cm). Large waste forms would benefit from additional research and review.

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