What kind of consent is required from the local community?

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What kind of consent is required from the local community?

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“Informed consent” is a minimum requirement for Deep Isolation. We seek to partner with communities and states that have a strong understanding of the safety and other benefits that could be realized from safely isolating the waste instead of waiting to see when and if a centralized storage or disposal option will be realized.

Deep Isolation will make communities and states full partners in the approach to safely isolating waste. Each partnership will be tailored to their specific needs and interests. This partnership would impact both the design of the Deep Isolation facility, the way that the project is implemented, and the specific benefits available. Our commitment to communities is that they will be better off having partnered with us. We are not proposing a “one size fits all” solution.

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For more information about our solution, please contact us.

info@deepisolation.com+1 415 915 6506

Deep Isolation, Inc.
2120 University Avenue, Ste. 623
Berkeley, CA 94704