Deep Isolation has relationships with industry leaders to ensure global delivery capabilities from  repository implementation and its management and operations through to closure. The synergies provide a safe, seamless and comprehensive means for disposing of nuclear waste.

Amentum is a premier global leader in designing, engineering, managing and modernizing critical systems and programs of national significance across defense, security, intelligence, energy, and environment.

 Experienced technicians take radiological samples for examination.

Bechtel partners with Deep Isolation for:

  • Surface facility design, engineering, construction, startup
  • Overall project control & design coordination
  • Site characterization support
  • Licensing support
  • Nuclear safety culture/safety conscious work environment
  • Site management and operations
  • Business services and financial analysis

With more than 50 years of experience in the nuclear industry fuel cycle consulting and used fuel packaging and transport, NAC International Inc. (NAC) has delivered more than 600 storage and transport systems. It brings decades of experience in designing, engineering, licensing, operating and maintaining systems for storage and transport.

NAC partners with Deep Isolation to:

  • Design, manufacture, and supply disposal canisters
  • Engineer, license and deliver equipment and services for spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste handling
Spent nuclear fuel assembly in a cooling pool
Drill rig assembly of a Schlumberger drilling rig
  • Leading-edge surface and downhole drilling technology, and wellbore conveyance technology
  • A full-scale test facility for deep wellbore drilling in a live environment and the means to place and retrieve canisters from the wellbore

Navarro is an award-winning federal contractor that provides client-focused solutions to complex challenges in the nuclear, environmental and clean energy field. Navarro is the main provider of nuclear safety and nuclear criticality safety at Portsmouth Gaseous Diffusion Plant, and has been providing nuclear material packaging, fire protection and criticality safety support to the Y-12 National Security Complex for over three decades. Navarro also has experience supporting the development of Safety Analyses for Packaging (SARP) packages for nuclear transportation.

Spent fuel testing technology

Dominion Engineering, Inc. is a global leader in specialized nuclear fuel services and technology.  They bring decades of experience in helping nuclear operators and stakeholders ensure fuel integrity and reliability during reactor operation, decommissioning and long-term storage.  DEI partners with Deep Isolation for:

  • Fuel sipping and integrity testing technology
  • Specialized engineering analysis for long-term fuel storage and disposal installations
  • Business and technical market development services

Why Deep Isolation?

Our approach is more than just technology. It’s how we work.

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For more information about our solution, please contact us. 415 915 6506

Deep Isolation, Inc.
2120 University Avenue, Ste. 623
Berkeley, CA 94704