Deep Isolation Welcomes the Advocacy for Modern Nuclear Waste Disposal Standards

Press Release, June 26, 2024

Deep Isolation Welcomes the Advocacy for Modern Nuclear Waste Disposal Standards

BERKELEY, CA – Deep Isolation welcomes the initiative from ANS and other groups to request the House and Senate Appropriation Committees to provide an additional $3 million in FY 2025 for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) office to develop a new, technology-neutral, generic protection standard that reflects modern, international practices and that would apply to future high-level nuclear waste disposal facilities.

The multiorganizational initiative, led by the American Nuclear Society (ANS) and supported by the United States Nuclear Industry Council (USNIC), is asking Congress to prioritize funding for updating its generic geological repository standard. It is recommending that the EPA start now on the development of a modern standard for future repositories. This would not result in any changes to U.S. policy.

This Appropriations Letter suggests that when the federal government begins the process of siting a geologic repository for disposal of high-level waste and commercial spent nuclear fuel (SNF), a new generic repository standard should first be in place. 

“We support this initiative wholeheartedly,” says Rod Baltzer, CEO of Deep Isolation. “An updated geologic repository standard that is technology neutral would be very beneficial for technology such as deep borehole disposal.  It is encouraging that others also see the benefits of a technology-neutral standard. And given the extended timeframe necessary to develop a new geologic repository standard, it is important to start working on this now.”

The working groups that signed the appropriations letter include: 

  • American Nuclear Society 
  • Energy Communities Alliance
  • Breakthrough Institute 
  • Center for Climate and Energy Solutions 
  • ClearPath Action 
  • Decommissioning Plant Coalition 
  • Good Energy Collective 
  • The Nature Conservancy 
  • Nuclear Innovation Alliance 
  • Nuclear Waste Strategy Coalition 
  • Third Way 
  • U.S. Nuclear Industry Council

Experts across the nuclear industry have recommended this action in reports such as the 2012 Blue Ribbon Commission’s “America’s Nuclear Future” and the 2023 National Academies’ “Merits and Viability of Different Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Technology Options and the Waste Aspects of Advanced Nuclear Reactors.” The American Nuclear Society recently issued peer-reviewed recommendations to guide the development of a risk-informed, technology-inclusive repository standard.

Media Contact:

Sophie McCallum, Chief of Staff
2001 Addison St., Suite 300
Berkeley, CA 94704


About Deep Isolation:
Deep Isolation is a leading global innovator in nuclear waste storage and disposal solutions. Driven by a passion for environmental stewardship and scientific ingenuity, the company’s patented solution of advanced nuclear technologies enables global delivery through its partnerships with industry leaders as well as flexible IP licensing options.
